23rd Jan 2018
We might sell our Polyfix Tape Kit with tarpaulin in mind, but it’s so versatile it can be used for almost anything!
The kit comprises of three rolls of tape, one incredibly strong and sticky double sided tape and two rolls of black, single sided finishing tape. The single sided tape is 5m in length, and each finishing tape is 4.5m.
The Polyfix Tape is perfect for customising tarpaulins. You can use it to create a hem on our tarpaulins after you’ve cut them to make them smaller, to prevent them from fraying. Or, you can use them to join two tarpaulins together to create one larger sheet. You can also use the Polyfix Tape Kit to repair any ripped or damaged tarpaulins.
Since we’ve been selling our Polyfix Tape Kit we’ve had lots of customers tell us all kinds of different things they’ve found it useful for. From odd jobs around the house, to repairing children’s toys, it’s great for all sorts of different things.